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Create custom websites in minutes. All on Notion.

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Create your own websiteusing only Google Sheets-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


Create your own websiteusing only Google Sheets...
Schedule tweets & threads without leaving Notion-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


Schedule tweets & threads without leaving Notion...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

Pomnodoro Timer for Notion-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


Pomnodoro Timer for Notion...
Build websites


Build websites, sell courses and digital products, and host communities. Podia is free. And when...
create peeps within a few minutes-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


create peeps within a few minutes...

Try These Mindblowing Prompts!

Find Long-tail Keywords

Prompt: Find X Long-tail keywords for “Seed Keyword”...


I want you to act as a historian. You will research and analyze cultural, economic, political, and social events in the past, collect data from...

Act as a Rapper

I want you to act as a rapper. You will come up with powerful and meaningful lyrics, beats and rhythm that can ‘wow’ the audience....

Suggest Resources

I would like to learn about deep learning. Please suggest 3 best specific resources....

LinkedIn Post

Create a narrative Linkedin post using immersive writing about [topic]. Details: [give details in bullet point format] Use a mix of short and long sentences. Make it punchy...

Get Automatic YouTube Title and Description for Video

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in English. I want you to act as a very proficient Professional YouTube SEO...

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