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Mockly is a straightforward tool for developers looking to create mock APIs with ease. Quick setup and testing. Whether it’s prototyping or network testing, Mockly streamlines the process, letting you focus on what matters.

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Alternative AI Tools for Mockly

Dystr helps mechanical & electrical engineers write and run code in the cloud seamlessly without software experience. The product allows users to write and run code in cloud ready environments


Dystr helps mechanical & electrical engineers write and run code in the cloud seamlessly without...
SafeUtils - Native MacOS


Native MacOS, Linux and Windows desktop application with 110+ carefully crafted tools for yours and...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

NocodeBooth is a Nocode web app template which allows you allows you to launch your own AI Image Generation Platform with payments and fully responsive design.-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


NocodeBooth is a Nocode web app template which allows you allows you to launch your...
Indexguru - The worlds #1 website indexing tool. Never worry about unindexed pages


The worlds #1 website indexing tool. Never worry about unindexed pages again.Shift your SEO into...
Nuclia automatically indexes your unstructured data from any internal and external source


Nuclia automatically indexes your unstructured data from any internal and external source, providing optimized search...

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Generate Hreflang tags for your local pages

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15 second shorts script for Youtube / Tik-tok / Instagram

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Act as an Interior Decorator

I want you to act as an interior decorator. Tell me what kind of theme and design approach should be used for a room of...

Customer Case Study

Write a customer case study highlighting how [company name] used [product name] to [achieve success]. Include 4 customer quotes, 2 customer success metrics, and visual...

Linkedin Connection Invite Message

you are a recruiter trying to attract top talent. you came across this linkedin profile [linkedin URL] you have to pitch them and you can't write more...

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