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Creatext assists you in researching your prospects and writing hyper-personalized emails & LinkedIn messages in no time.

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Alternative AI Tools for Creatext

GhostWrite is an AI that writes your emails utilizing ChatGPT & other AI technologies. Reply


GhostWrite is an AI that writes your emails utilizing ChatGPT & other AI technologies. Reply,...
ChatGPT LinkedIn Email Generator Quickly create a tailored email to a business prospect from LinkedIn profile page to increase your email response rate and sell more. find Free AI tools directory Victrays


Quickly create a tailored email to a business prospect from LinkedIn profile page to increase...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

Inbox Narrator-Inbox Narrator summarizes your Gmail emails using ChatGPT


Inbox Narrator summarizes your Gmail emails using ChatGPT, and delivers them in an impressive human-like...
LE02-Chrome browser extension that integrates Sales Specialised AI assistant directly onto your top of Linkedin experience-Free-AI-tools-directory-Victrays


Chrome browser extension that integrates Sales Specialised AI assistant directly onto your top of Linkedin...
ResponseBrain-Automate your customer support with a custom AI.-Free-AI-tools-directory-Victrays


Automate your customer support with a custom AI....

Try These Mindblowing Prompts!

Generate Reddit post ideas

Create a list of 10 engaging Reddit post ideas for the following subreddit: [Enter subreddit here]. Suggest captivating post titles and descriptions for each....

Generate Facebook post ideas

Create a list of 10 engaging Facebook post ideas for the following theme: [Enter theme here]. Suggest attention-grabbing captions and relevant hashtags for each post....

Generate Facebook event ideas

Create a list of 5 Facebook event ideas for the following brand or theme: [Enter brand/theme here]. Suggest engaging event titles and descriptions for each....

Data Exploration

I have a dataset of 100 rows and four columns:[id, name, grade, subject]. Write R code for data visualization and exploration....

Suggestions on thumbnails for blogs or videos

Can you recommend some eye-catching thumbnail designs for my latest YouTube video on healthy eating?...

Act As A Florist

Calling out for assistance from knowledgeable personnel with experience of arranging flowers professionally to construct beautiful bouquets which possess pleasing fragrances along with aesthetic appeal...

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