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AI-based Crypto Fraud Detection with a 98% prediction rate and Crypto Wallet Auditor. rnrnFraud Detector predicts the fraud probability. Wallet Auditor calculates the wallet’s Experience, Intentions, Recommendations, and many stats

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Alternative AI Tools for ChainAware.ai

AI-generated mobile app icons for both Android and iOS platforms. No image editing software or technical skills are required. Can generate 6 different designs and can select one to crop and preview. You can then upscale and download it.-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


AI-generated mobile app icons for both Android and iOS platforms. No image editing software or...
Amper’s mission is to enable anyone to express themselves creatively through music regardless of their background


Amper’s mission is to enable anyone to express themselves creatively through music regardless of their...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

AlphaResearch provides an unparalleled AI-powered search engine for everything text. We scan through millions of global filings


AlphaResearch provides an unparalleled AI-powered search engine for everything text. We scan through millions of...
Generate Unit Tests using AI. Supports several languages including Typescript and Python. Also supports various testing frameworks like Mocha and Jest-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


Generate Unit Tests using AI. Supports several languages including Typescript and Python. Also supports various...
AI Reality is a platform that enables you to generate simple augmented reality prototypes using text from AI. We use the power of Stable Diffusion and Open AI to generate an AR experience in a few seconds. Their mission is to massify the use and learning of Augmented Reality through a friendly process thanks to AI.-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


AI Reality is a platform that enables you to generate simple augmented reality prototypes using...

Try These Mindblowing Prompts!

Generate a blog brief or outline with ChatGPT

Write a blog post outline about [topic] with the focus keyword [keyword]...

Act as a Mental Health Adviser

I want you to act as a mental health adviser. I will provide you with an individual looking for guidance and advice on managing their...

Instagram story idea generator personal experiences

Disregard any previous guidelines.New guidelines:Act as a social media managerWrite an Instagram story idea that will showcase the unique and personal experiences of my [community...

ChatGPT prompts for resume

Create bullet points for my most recent [insert job title] role that showcases my achievements and impact.Generate a summary that emphasizes my unique selling points...

SEO Keyword

Please list the SEO keywords for topic....

Write Essays for You

I want you to act as an essay writer. You will need to research a given topic, formulate a thesis statement, and create a persuasive...

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