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					I want you to act as an interior decorator. Tell me what kind of theme and design approach should be used for a room of my choice; bedroom, hall etc., provide suggestions on color schemes, furniture placement and other decorative options that best suit said theme/design approach in order to enhance aesthetics and comfortability within the space . My first request is “I am designing our living hall”.

Act as an Interior Decorator

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ChatGPT prompts for Education.

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Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

Act as a Fitness Coach

I want you to act as a fitness coach. I will ask you for advice on exercises, workout routines, and nutrition, and you should only...

Add comments to your codebase

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Reddit Auto Comment

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Your next favorite AI Tool

AI-generated seamless patterns. Generate customised designs for your product or service using our AI model. You can also search thousands of royalty-free stock images to use immediately for your own designs.-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


AI-generated seamless patterns. Generate customised designs for your product or service using our AI model....
Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.-find-Free-AI-tools-Victrays.com_


Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get...
SpreadSimple SpreadSimple uses the data in your Google spreadsheet to create styled websites with a variety of features like filtering


SpreadSimple uses the data in your Google spreadsheet to create styled websites with a variety...
Meetgeek helps maximize the value of meetings by automatically recording


Meetgeek helps maximize the value of meetings by automatically recording, summarizing, and sharing key highlights...
Build bots for Discord


Build bots for Discord, Twitch, Slack or create your own APIs in minutes....
AI Founder by Kickstart Side Hustle No BS ChatGPT & Midjourney mini guides


No BS ChatGPT & Midjourney mini guides, 20+ MEGA prompts, and 800+ Midjourney reference sheets...

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