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AI-based Crypto Fraud Detection with a 98% prediction rate and Crypto Wallet Auditor. rnrnFraud Detector predicts the fraud probability. Wallet Auditor calculates the wallet’s Experience, Intentions, Recommendations, and many stats

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Alternative AI Tools for ChainAware.ai

PromptLayer is the first platform that allows you to track


PromptLayer is the first platform that allows you to track, and manage your GPT prompt...
PoplarML enables the deployment of production-ready


PoplarML enables the deployment of production-ready, scalable ML systems with minimal engineering effort. Lets you...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

An online image-to-pixel art converter. It allows people to upload their images and convert them into pixel art that can be used for game development. After uploading the image


An online image-to-pixel art converter. It allows people to upload their images and convert them...
Get instant feedback on your pitch deck


Get instant feedback on your pitch deck, so fundraising becomes the least of your concerns....
Serverless GPU inference for ML models


Serverless GPU inference for ML models Pay-per-millisecond API to run ML in production....

Try These Mindblowing Prompts!

Help you find items that could be sold as bundles

Please suggest some items that would make a good bundle for our customers....

Generate blog topic ideas

My brand sells [product/service]. What would be some interesting topics my customers would be interested in that is related to my brand?...

Generate SEO-Optimized YouTube Descriptions

Write a description for a YouTube video about ...

Suggest TikTok video series ideas

Provide 3 TikTok video series ideas for the following theme or niche: [Enter theme/niche here]. Include a brief overview of each series and suggested video...

Highly detailed Midjourney Prompt

Create an "imagine prompt" with a word count limit of 100 words for the AI-based text-to-image program MidJourney using the following parameters: /imagine prompt: [1],...

Assessing workload for team member

Act as a team manager, list of best ways for you to asses a direct report's workload, and a list of questions you can ask...

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