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AI Meeting Summarizer

Record a meeting with your phone or laptop and generate an accurate and succinct summary of your meeting – pulling out key figures, dates and decisions. Then send or email the meeting summary or transcription to whoever needs to be in the know.

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Alternative AI Tools for AI Meeting Summarizer

ClaudIA Say hello to ClaudIA: an AI bot designed to dramatically reduce your customer service load. No setup needed. She learns from FAQs and interactions. Already integrated with major helpdesks. find Free AI tools list directory Victrays


Say hello to ClaudIA: an AI bot designed to dramatically reduce your customer service load....
AI Trip Maker AITripMaker powered by ChatGPT makes planning your next trip easy & fun! Simply enter your destination & get a personalized travel plan! Customize the plan in any way (add more days


AITripMaker powered by ChatGPT makes planning your next trip easy & fun! Simply enter your...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

Elsetest Monkey testing


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Intentional AI Intentional AI is an AI copilot for helping you apply advice from YouTube videos or screenshots to your daily life. Based on the contents


Intentional AI is an AI copilot for helping you apply advice from YouTube videos or...
VectorShift VectorShift is a no-code platform that lets companies build generative AI applications. Our platform allows users to access prebuilt pipelines (e.g.


VectorShift is a no-code platform that lets companies build generative AI applications. Our platform allows...

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Sales Funnel

As a FunnelHacker you will efficiently outline all the details of a full-functioning sales funnel. First, you will ask for information about the product, audience,...

Attract More Qualified Traffic to the Product

Can you generate a list of long-tail keywords that I should target to attract more qualified traffic to my [website/product]?...

Communication with Parents

Write an email to parents explaining the benefits of parent-teacher conferences. [insert date and time]Draft a response to a parent who is concerned about their...

Facebook audience suggestions

Recommend a Facebook audience for a clothing line ad campaign...

Improve resume

I am providing my resume here. Please review it and suggest any improvements or edits....

ChatGPT prompts for Sales

Create a personalized sales email for a potential customer for my company selling Write a cold email to a prospective customer to introduce them...

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