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Our mission is to take mental health out of the clinic and into the high street by using the power of games. Combining mixed reality, walking, mindfulness players collect coins together that they can then spend around the city.

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Alternative AI Tools for Tora

Trainly UK Trainly UK is a light-weight application that allows you to track and stay up to date with all of your GB train traveling needs! find Free AI tools list directory Victrays


Trainly UK is a light-weight application that allows you to track and stay up to...
Elsetest Monkey testing


Monkey testing, but with a smart touch! We don't read the manual, we just mess...

Generate conversion focused ad and social media post creatives in a matter of seconds. Get better results while saving time.

Supaboost Supaboost is built on top of three major cornerstones:


Supaboost is built on top of three major cornerstones: - Supabase - Next.js - Lemon Squeezy With built in...
TalkEze The best speaker note tool to automatically scroll your scripts while screen recording


The best speaker note tool to automatically scroll your scripts while screen recording, live streaming,...
TrustLoop Start capturing 3rd party reviews


Start capturing 3rd party reviews, worry-free, before product-market fit....

Try These Mindblowing Prompts!

Resume Editing

I want you to act as a resume editor. I will provide you with my current resume and you will review it for any errors...


Please help me brainstorm the topic of how to celebrate the wedding anniversary....

Debug code

I want you to debug this code. The code is supposed to do [provide purpose] [Insert code here]...

Act as a Proofreader

I want you act as a proofreader. I will provide you texts and I would like you to review them for any spelling, grammar, or...

Act as a Cyber Security Specialist

I want you to act as a cyber security specialist. I will provide some specific information about how data is stored and shared, and it...

Create brand principles

Work as head of design for[company name]:[1 sentence of what the product is], can you put together brand principles...

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